performance scholarships

The performance scholarship aims to support outstanding students with a serious commitment to their studies and outstanding academic performance. Every year we award two scholarships of €600 and one scholarship of €1800. All students of the school participate automatically. Degree in Professional Illustration and is awarded according to the discretion of the teaching staff.

talent scholarship

We award one Talent Scholarship each year among new enrollments to take the Degree in Professional Illustration in person. The winner of this scholarship receives a refund of the 50% of the registration fee and those who have a particular talent for illustration and, therefore, a level above the average at the time of starting their studies in IBOIX. Once registered, you can submit your candidacy by sending an email before May 31 to with your name, portfolio or link where we can see your drawings (they can be created digitally or on paper) and tell us something about yourself, how you found out about our school, what things have made you decide on IBOIX to train, artists you admire, comics- series-games that you like and within the world of illustration, what is the artistic specialty in which you would most like to work. Drawing comics? illustrating children's stories? designing characters? cheering up? modeling in 3D? There are many, what is your dream?

Intership Preparation Program (IPP)

Imagine an Erasmus scholarship, but instead of going to another school abroad, your destination is one of the companies where they have been created Frozen, Arcane or How to train your Dragon, and your goal is to show them that you can work for them. For this you need to count with the support of a specialized school. 

If you are in the 4th year of our Degree in Professional Illustration and have the appropriate artistic level, you will opt to be part of the program IIPP (Iboix Internships Preparation Program). We will advise you and prepare your candidacy in a personalized way so that you can apply properly and jobs in Disney, Dreamworks or Riot Games Don't be an unattainable dream.

single parent family

50% discount in the registration of the Degree

Large family

50% discount in the registration of the Degree


8% discount